
Logic pro x synth plugins reddit
Logic pro x synth plugins reddit

logic pro x synth plugins reddit

Instead, to the right of a conventional pre-delay control you have a control for Reflectivity, one for Size and one labelled Density/Time. For example, there's no single decay time control. With only a handful of controls, SilverVerb is pretty easy to use, though not all the controls correspond to what you'd normally expect to find on a reverb plug-in. Furthermore it includes modulation plus high/low filtering so you can create some very fluid reverbs that sit perfectly in a mix. It is so coarse that at some settings it sounds more like a delay, but that's exactly what makes it such a dreamy sounding reverb. SilverVerb certainly falls into that camp. This is certainly true of reverb, where the somewhat coarse character of those early units really works with certain sound sources. We're all familiar with the hardware equivalent of this story - a new more realistic echo, reverb or whatever comes along, but then we start to rediscover the joys of the old ones when it turns out that their shortcomings added to their musicality. Don't dismiss it, though, as while it can sound a bit challenged on drums and percussion, it can do absolutely magical things when used on piano, guitar and wind instruments. SilverVerb was one of Logic's original low‑CPU‑overhead algorithmic reverbs, even further down the food chain than PlatinumVerb, and I get the feeling that most users consider it as a second-class plug-in and don't give it a second thought.

logic pro x synth plugins reddit

In fact I'm surprised SilverVerb hasn't been relegated into the Legacy folder along with PlatinumVerb and its friends. However, I'm not here to tell you what you already know but to look at some of the older offerings, including the humble SilverVerb. Logic has some great reverbs built in, from the super-realistic Space Designer to the recent algorithmic Chromaverb, accompanied by its display of coloured candy-floss fountains - though not on my old Mac Pro as the graphics card isn't candy-floss compatible, which means I still get the reverb but no fancy display. Geoff has done a fantastic job in covering the new Logic features as they emerge, but this month I'm going to focus on some of Logic's Legacy content that tends to get overlooked in the light of newer and shinier alternatives.

logic pro x synth plugins reddit

Geoff Smith is taking a well-deserved break from Logic Notes, so I'm stepping in with a few tips of my own. Logic's Legacy plug-ins offer some great music-making tools - you just need to know where to look. Screen 1: SilverVerb might be one of the older reverbs in Logic Pro X, but it is light on CPU.

Logic pro x synth plugins reddit