Fixed an issue where query tool hangs for some time when multiple columns are selected to open geometry viewer.Fix an issue in View SQL when column level privileges are set with multiple roles.Fixed an issue with the properties tab not getting updated if the user updates the selected node.

The pgAdmin Development Team is pleased to announce pgAdmin 4 version 7.1. In this blog, I will walk through the steps to set up Kerberos with pgAdmin and Active Directory. Kerberos is a popular authentication method but many people find it difficult to set up especially with Windows Active Directory. PgAdmin supports Kerberos authentication for user logins as well as connecting to databases. Read more pgAdmin with Kerberos and Active Directory Most users should use pre-built packages from the PostgreSQL APT/YUM repositories, or StackBuilder. This blog is for users/developers who specifically want to build from a source. PgAgent shipped as a separate application. PgAgent is a job scheduling agent for Postgres databases, capable of running multi-step batch or shell scripts and SQL tasks on complex schedules, which may be managed using pgAdmin. This feature enables you to quickly deploy the PostgreSQL instance to the desired region on Google Cloud, with custom configuration, and connect to it with pgAdmin.Īuthor: Khushboo Vashi, date: March 21, 2023 To launch a Google Cloud SQL PostgreSQL instance, the prerequisite is to create and download a client secret file containing the client ID, client secret, and other OAuth 2.0 parameters for google authentication. pgAdmin version 7.0 has introduced the new functionality for deploying a Google Cloud SQL PostgreSQL instance from pgAdmin. PgAdmin 4 has added functionality to deploy cloud instances for PostgreSQL on AWS, Azure and BigAnimal. Latest Blog Posts Google Cloud SQL - PostgreSQL Deployment with pgAdmin 4Īuthor: Yogesh Mahajan, date: May 2, 2023