When Bad Company 2 came out I basically said the hell with COD, BUT I came back to the franchise for what it does right, the enjoyable rollercoster that is the playable movie of the Campaign. I used to hate Call of Duty and it took me a while to distinguish the enjoyment of the singleplayer experiance from the twitch shooter that is the repetitive multiplayer that has really not changed since COD1, if anything it has lost amazing game modes (BehindEnemyLines,BaseAssault). So I waited a few years and actually played in this order COD1,UO,WAW,4,BlackOps,MW2,Ghosts,BlackOps2,and finally MW3. Modern Warfare 3 was something I looked forward too but I had hear bad things about it. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Free Download RepacklabĪs someone who has played every single Call of Duty game aside from Call of Duty 2 and the new Advanced Warfare.